Website Management System
CanWeb’s Website Management solution gives non-technical administrators the ability to build and maintain professional websites that integrate seamlessly with your online communication initiatives.
Our Website Management solution includes:
- Corporate Identity - separate content from page structure and maintain consistent look and feel across websites with multiple authors
- Navigation– dynamically build section- and sub-section navigation elements based on folder structure, content categories, and other specific requirements
- Content – includes a "Windows Internet Explorer" interface to easily create and manage your content including pages, image files, and other documents. Copy and paste content from Microsoft Word directly into the content area.
- Language – dynamically build and manage website elements including content and navigation by language option
- Image / Files Library - upload images and/or files into secure libraries within your folder structure
- Search – built-in website keyword search
- Site Map – the site map is dynamically generated from your website navigation
- Email Management – group and individual email boxes are also available
- Domain Name Services (DNS) Management -
- Security and Administration Management - provide varying levels of access for authors, designers, and website administrators
- Reports and Analytics - provide comprehensive website reporting and analytics on a weekly basis
Examples of Additional Features
- Tell-A-Friend and Email Signature Campaign -allow members to recruit friends or colleagues by sharing communications from their organization with their contacts
- Members-only pages - make folders available to the general public or restrict access to registered members
- Online Forums – allow members to share and discuss concerns or ideas, allow customers to share results / solutions with others facing similar challenges
- Member Profiles – track interests, geographic location, member search
- Electronic Postcard System – allow site visitors to send and receive electronic postcards to enhance branding and attract more visitors to your site
- Integration – integrate with other internal systems to avoid duplication of work or data entry (ie. membership or facilities directories)
Components –integrate components such as:
- online data forms
- upcoming events/trade shows
- photo galleries
- product catalogues
- shopping carts (including multi-currency options)
- news and events marquee within your web pages